A short documentary film shot in Hausa language, which revolves around the experiences of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls, was recently screened at the prestigious Sundance International Film Festival in the United States.
A 10-mins documentary movie, titled WAITING FOR HASSANA, tells the story of the chibok kidnap from a single perspective- the voice of one of the 57 captives who managed to escape from the clutches of the Boko Haram insurgents.
The movie is produced by Uzodinma Iweala, Son of former Minister of Finance, Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iwwala, waiting for Hasanna was shot over the course of 2016 in Nigeria by acclaimed Nigerian Cinematographer, Victor Okhai, and directed by Ifunanya Maduka.
The lead character, Jessica, an escapee, shares her haunting account of a friendship violently interrupted by Boko Haram.
Enthusing on theme and the idea behind Waiting For Hasanna, Maduka , who previously worked on Half of a Yellow Sun, and the documentary, Building a Dream, covering the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, said her latest work would espose the audience to the yet-to-be exposed side of the Feb 14, 2014 abduction of the schoolgirls at chibok in Borno State.
She said, " This film introduces new point of entry into the chibok kidnappings, we know the global story, now we hear the personal one. As the director, my aim was to visually and sonically plunge audiences into the psychological and emotional landscape of our subject.
"My hope is that audiences will leave, feeling inextricably linked to her life and her story - that it will become as much their story as it is hers.
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